Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Apologies for the lack of recent posts. This is due to technical difficulties on my part rather than not playing blackjack. I'm still going on trips, fighting the good fight and I hope to update this blog soon. In the meantime, I'd like to use this opportunity to address some points I've had raised with me:

- Some of you have expressed surpise that I play blackjack games with poor cuts, sometimes as bad as half a shoe. As some suggested you do need either good rules or a large bet spread to make this worthwhile, preferably both. Where I have played poor cuts, this has been the case.

-"Sounds like he plays in Borat's Village!" -I have several games that I play, across many and varied locations. As a result I do occasionally find myself in what feels like the back of beyond but I also play in established and famous gambling arenas and in places in between those extremes. The main criteria I use when considering a trip are: Is the game good? Is it on the level? Is it safe? These conditions can be met even if it is in the middle of nowhere. Other players have been known to take risks with where they play but for me it just isn't worth it. I'd rather have the peace of mind.

-Again, I regret that I can't be more specific in some of the details. I am reluctant to give away locations, even when I've been stopped from playing there because other players that did the hard miles to find these games may suffer. If I know the conditions have deteriorated at a given place I may retrospectively mention where it was, but no promises. Sometimes there's no substitute for doing your own research!

I hope this has cleared up a few things. If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll answer it there or use the email address in the "About Me" details on the right and I'll respond either directly through email or on this site. Good luck!