Day One
I'm back in the country I last visited on Trip last year, but I start this trip in a new city. It's quite a new casino and I had hopes of this being an additional game in this country. I fly in during the afternoon, check in to my hotel and check out the casino early in the evening. Alas, the rules are mediocre with low limits. A change of city beckons, then.
Day Two
As occasionally happens, I wake up in the morning unsure of where I'll be spending the night. To go north, south, east or west? I decide to go to the place where I spent most of the last half of trip, since I always intended on going back there sooner rather than later and going there first rather than the capital will mean time spent on the road in comparison to going to the two cities in the other order. As I check out I get a rather nasty surprise: the hotel claims that $300 worth of phone calls have been made from my room. Since the only time I touched the 'phone was to disconnect it as its tone was audible even when hung-up, I dispute this and suggest that it's a case of faulty equipment. At first the managmeent claim that this cannot be the case because their meter has registered that calls have been made, despite the fact they are unable to tell me what calls have been made or when. Grudgingly the manager follows me to my room to ascertain this and even when he agrees that the handset is working improperly, manages to be ungracious about it, although the receptioniat does apologise to me. So it's not with a particular feeling of regret that I leave the hotel and the city
The journey over is good, I arrive fresh and ready to play. I get in the casino early and it's still empty later on, a change from the last time here where I finshed up with a crowded game most days. I get a good cut from the first dealer and a bad one from the next one and lose with all, before a slight recovery and a loss of over $5000.
Today the casino is crowded from the time I arrive there. I start well, get over $3000 early on only to lose it in a short period during which the dealer seemed to get nothing but pictures when I had my big bets out However I end up getting almost exactly the same amount back again. The casino managment obviously remember from my visit before Christmas and are friendly, although they have every reason to be since I lost then and am still losing over the two days I’ve played here this time.
Day 4
Once again it is busy in the casino. Howevver, my hands seem consitstenly to be the lucky ones on the table and I finish $5000 up. Hand of the day:
9-9 & 14 v 5. I split for a 2 and double it for 10, making 21. I receive a 9 on the next one, split again for a 7 and an ace. I thus have a doubled 21, 14, 16 and 20. The dealer pulls.. 5, (scary) 6 (sigh of relief)… 5 to make a dealer 21 and a three bet loss of $600when a 7 or more would have resulted in a five bet win. Even on a good day such things are liable to happen.
Day 5
Woo-hoo, a good run at long last, $7000 up today to make it three wins in a row. Time to leave this casino for next time and move on to the capital.
Day 7
A good start in the capital yesterday, $3000 up. This is where I prefer playing above all other places at the moment. Not only are the rules and conditions good here, but it’s a really enjoyable casino in which to play and the staff are very friendly. One goos thing about having lost here the previous two visits here is that I should have a large degree of longevity as a result. I’m now around level against this casino overall but I hope my good start against them has been forgotten and they now regard me is a big losing player. I like the city too, so a relaxed casino attitude towards me that is likely to last is particularly welcome here.
Today however, it’s not as pleasant. This has nothing to do wwith how the cards are treating me but everything to do with the company at the table. The guy at the end of the table with an MP3 player, despite his listening to music, feels the need to dispense advice to all the other players at the table. I saw him during my last visit here and he did the same then. He claims to “study the cards” despite the fact that his basic strategy leaves much to be desirted and he clearly isn’t counting the cards. In a way though, this type of player is good for me as it shows the casinos that some players do genuinely have a belief that that they can beat the game, even though they are much mistaken and their knowledge does not justify that confidence. If they view me in a similar light, all the better. His frequent attempts to tell me how to play my hands does irrtiate after a while nonetheless. I leave a few hundred to the good.
Day 8
Well, there’s an unexpected visitor to the casino tonight. An exrtremely drunk player arrives at around midnight, starts playing very heavy and drinking some more. This of course is not unusual, except for the fact that he is a manager at one of the other casinos in town. He’s playing very big and before long he’s on $1000 a hand. He wins around $5,000 early on but then it turns against him. He keeps going to the casino cage for more funds. He can’t play very well, the whisky he’s drinking obviously doesn’t help and becomes more and more bad tempered. He moans at me for something even though it’s solid basic strategy. I’m glad he doesn’t recognise from his casino as he was seemed quite wary of me at the time and now it seems he is unable to identify basic strategy when he see it so I shouldn’t be too worried the next time I go into that casino, not that I intend to do so any time soon. At on epoint he’s betting hos $1000 on anextreme negative count so I’m reassured further. I f he has no idea, he won’t be able to identify m,e too easily as a winning player. By the time I leave this guy is around $12,000 behind. Not the kind of guy I’d want in charge of a casino. You’d think he’d know better, seeing players lose at his own place. For my part, I finish around $700 down. 20th Feb- colossus- dealer tutting.8000 reversal, recovery, busy after Chinese ny. 5000 up, leave 4k up to coll 7k down leave 4k down.
Day 12
I’ve had much the best of it over the past few days. Nothing spectacular, just a few thousand here and there compared to just one loss of similar size in that time. I win 4k up tonight, which means I’ve nearly doubled my win since changing towns and casinos. And since it’s been over a week since that happened I feel another change of casino is in order but not of town. Not, if you’re wondering, to the place manged by the drunk guy from Day 7, but to the sister club of one that closed last year that I used to play regulary. Many of the staff, including management, are from that casino, so they will be relaxed about me from the start. Unfortunately, this place isn’t nearly as nice as the one I’ve just left or the one that closed and is best described as “rough”. However the rules are good and high limits are available. They give me a high limit table when I request it, and I’m soon $7,000 behind. I recover half of it and finish $4000 down there and thus level on the day. I’ve effectively carried $4,000 across town from one casino to another. I have a few more days her before I must leave so I may still post a win at this new place as well.
Day 13
I get in early at the new place for my first full session there. I soon find out that at any time I need to a high limit table to give myself a chance of a solo game, or even a relatively uncrowded one. Even at the high limits I’m often with more than one other player and in the early hours all tables are busy. The post bar crown has arrived and the sober players are very much in the minority, much to the bemusement of the staff, as well as me. Given its location near many watering-holes this is unsurprising. What takes me aback is that not only is it busier than its much classier former sister club, it has bigger action as well. Even taking into account the inebriation of the players, there are a number of players betting $200 a hand and more and I have the impression that these players have always been t this club rathe than moving from the sister place out of necessity when it closed. I leave shortly before 5am and the place is still going strong. I take a small profit for the night with me.
Day 14
I get in a open a high limit table straight away. I'd prefer to play with a lower minimum but this way I will price out most people off the table. This is what happens although I lose my heads up game mid session. I don't play as late as in previous days as I must wake early for my journey home. For the last two hours of play it's busy and then, just as I leave, three other tables empty. Sometimes the conditions improve at the right time, sometimes, as now, they improve too late for me to benefit. Still, it's a win of over $2000 today, taking me to only slightly behind against this casino on this trip and a good trip win overall, not a moment too soon! I am now (slightly)ahead over the last five months. After expenses it’s substantially less but I’m at least I’m at a new high point after four trips. I just hope that this is not a false dawn and that I can find a sustained run of good luck after what has been one of the very worst runs of my blackjack career. The feeling of going nowhere fast during a barren period is one of the drawbacks of doing this for a living. There re no guarantees that I won’t suffer suffer the same gain soon. All I can do is keep on playing the best I can and trust that my advantage will prevail in the end.
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