Trip 8 2007 (Part 1)
(Last time here: Trip 3 2007)
It’s been a few weeks since my last blackjack trip and after two losing trips in a row I am eager to get back to winning ways. I have come back to this country mainly to play the shuffle tracking game I found here the last time I was here. I should have come back here a lot sooner, but I had other business to attend to in other places that determined alternative destinations for my blackjack play. At least it is in a fairly obscure location, so it may not have been discovered by anyone else in the short time since I was last here.
I’m not even out of the airport before I discover this is not the case, since I run into another professional blackjack player who is well known to me. We have a coffee and discuss our various plans. I tell him I am staying in the capital for a while before heading out, he tells me that he is going west straight away. Apparently he has been here consistently in previous months and has not played anywhere else, but has lasted without being backed off in many places. In fact there’s just one exception, the place with the great shuffle I found on my last trip. According to this guy there was only one table without a CSM and they stopped him playing after two days but with a big win. Did they introduce the machines because of my big win? Looks like I won’t get much play there, I’ll just have to hit it as hard as I can until they stop me. I’ll play fewer days in the capital than originally intended so I can see how things are.
Day 2
I try a casino I have previously avoided because the word was that they dealt an incomplete shoe. The place now has a new name and interior so perhaps it has a new management. I see the cards spread so that’s one worry out of the way, there is still the risk of dealing seconds out of the shoe. This has happened to me in the past,and in this area, so I have an idea what to look for.There is an aspect of the game in this place that makes it easier to deal seconds undetected, so I'm particularly on edge.
Unusually for this area, the cut is good, but this could be suspicious- if they are dealing seconds they will naturally be less worried about card counters. I play an hour, but I find that having to keep a look out is making me paranoid and my playing experience very unpleasant. Nothing seems untoward but I decide to leave anyway. I go to another place I’ve never played before. When I found this casino, the rules were inferior to those of other casinos in the area. My contact however has informed me that this has now changed. I go in and start playing. The place is quiet so the pit bosses hang around my table almost constantly and they seem to sweat the action a little, but are fine in their dealings with me. I break even. Then the place gets busy so I move on.
I visit another casino across from this last one. This new one will give me a decent cut until I put big money on. I should however get a table to myself. This is exactly what happens. I have another small win and leave.
Day 4
Yesterday brought another small win, so I’m a couple of thousand up so far. I go to see if my shuffle game is still there. It usually takes 4 hours but the roads are chaotic so it takes even longer, so I’ll only play a couple of hours tonight. I thus decide to leave the shuffle game for tomorrow and play the other one on the basis that they have an idea what to look for now they know they’ve been hit by the other pro and I’ve been told they won’t stop you playing at the table but wait until you go in the next time and stop you as you enter the casino. So I’ll save that one until I can put in a full session. I have a nice run at casino 1 in the time I play and leave $2000 up. This trip is ticking along nicely so far, no major swings, but cumulatively all those smallish wins mean a healthy profit on the trip so far, a nice change from recent form I’ve had.
Day 5
Friday night and it’s busy. I see a local counter. I last saw him about two years ago in a casino of the same group as this one on the other side of the country. On that occasion he was unabashed about a large bet spread, as you often are when you first start playing. After being stopped from playing by the management a few times you become more circumspect and accept a slightly lower win rate in return for increased longevity.
Anyhow, on that occasion I changed tables after spotting him, and I don’t believe he noticed my big bets going out at the same time. Annoyingly, even after it appears he has realised what I am doing he still plays on my table, jumping in when the count has increased or playing one hand then spreading to two for his big bets, thus eating up the profitable situation that I have waited for . If he played two hands all the time, it wouldn’t be so bad, because at least I wouldn’t be playing proportionally more hands when it was bad. In these situations, courtesy usually dictates that a counter will not sit down at a table of a player recognised also to be a counter, but will find another table. The fact that he is effectively using the fact that I’m playing already to restrict the amount he loses playing minimum bets is just insult to injury. I lose a few hundred on the night.
Day 6
I go in to the same casino early on to find that I don’t have to worry about the local guy any more, since they have given me a private table, so I’m guaranteed a heads-up game from now on. On the down side, the cut is a little worse than before, but this is not unusual with a lot of casinos when they deal high stakes games. At one point I have an audience of locals watching me play but they aren’t intrusive so I don’t mind.
I break for dinner then go to casino2. The evening is now when they have the shoe games, according to my source. That turns out to be no longer true. There are shuffle machines on every table. I go back to casino 1 and when I am finished for the night go back to casino 2 to double check, perhaps they don’t have the shoes until later in the night. There a lots of tables open and at every one a CSM. No shoe to be seen on any blackjack table. It just goes to show- you can’t rely on a good situation remaining so. The conditions may get changed on the whim of management or because someone else has found it. One small consolation is that the casino is now even less busy than before- even regular players tend to dislike the machines.
Day 7
Up and down today. A bad start sees me buying in for $5000 early on. In one memorable shoe the dealer makes twenty-one about seven times- pretty bad for nearly three decks
cut out. This includes the hand of A-2 and A-2 against a 5 with $250 on each hand. I double the first soft thirteen for a seven. I double the second for another seven. Dealer draws….8….and 8 again. The particularly irritating thing about this was not so much that two doubled twenties went down than that the only combination of those four draw cards that would beat me was the way it came out (any of the other five possibilities and I win at least $500).
However, I then rally and soon after I get a shoe where the count goes up, plateaus and then comes back in and I win almost every hand. What has been happening up to now is that the I (as you would expect) lose as the count goes up and then win only some of it back, if any, as the count comes in, if indeed it does at all, not guaranteed when you’re playing barely half a shoe. Just what the doctor ordered. I’m now $6000 ahead on the day. Sadly, it doesn’t last, I lose two thirds of it back soon after. Still, it was a good recovery.
After dinner I seem to give and take the same $1000. I appear to be getting half a shoe all the time now and with some dealers it’s not even that good. In one case the dealer seems have changed noticeably from the cut I got from her previously. Is it a management decision that has arisen from my good run? This place is another with no chips bigger than hundreds so on my good run earlier I had a noticeably large stack of chips in front of me before I went over and cashed some in. When there are 500 chips you can change up to those and put them in your pocket or hide them under other chips. From a security point of view this also is advantageous. Of course the casino knows how much I’m winning or losing without having to look at the chips in front of me, but a big stack draws their attention.
Anyhow, during one of these very poor cuts I decide it’s time for a break. There is a buffet on and I take a dessert. The manager is there (I recognise him from the last time I was here) and says to me as I’m spooning it out “Oh, I [detail withheld] too”, commenting on something about me. “Oh yes?” I reply, “Yes, we’re trained to notice things in this job.” Is that his way of telling me that he knows what I’m doing? Certainly if this less-than-half-a-shoe cut continues I’ll probably move on tomorrow. I’ve won a little here over the past few days and I can probably find a game at least as good nearby. Even the ones in the capital are no worse than this. Then the cut improves, so perhaps there is no new cutting policy, perhaps I was just unlucky with the dealers I’ve had during the past few hours. This is confirmed by the fact that the manager comes over a little later to the table and offers me a room comp. I accept and stick around to see whether this will be at the cost of less-than-half shoes from now on. A dealer with one of the best cuts in here comes next to my table so perhaps I’ll stay another day or two and leave if I win a bit more. I have dropped to even on the day now so I’m not winning much against this casino now this trip (and I lost on the previous trip). The dealer leaves and is replaced by another I’ve not seen. Standard slightly-better-than-half-shoe cut. It’s getting late and I resolve to leave after this shoe. Last shoeitis strikes again. The one final shoe I decide to play is a bad one. The count goes up near the end and doesn’t come back in. $2000 down on the day. Not a disaster, but quite a reversal from my high point and annoying to leave on my lowest point for about four hours, but I’m tired and not in the mood to play any more.
Day Eight
Proof, if proof were needed, that chance has no memory. I’ve had a run of about 30 top bets against me in the past four hours play and after the first hour today I’m another $2,500 down. I never get much more than a few hundred better off than this but at various times get a very bad shoe and at one point I’m $5000 down on the session. I recover nearly half of this before dinner, but it’s a real struggle. All night I seem to win a few hundred over a few shoes here and there only to run into a shoe where the count never comes back in, so that I don’t get the big cards on my splits and doubles and/or the dealer makes a hand resulting in a four figure loss on the shoe.
A case in point: 3-3 and 8,2 v 7, $250 on each. Split the first three, to get 6,9 for 18. Onto the other 3, I get a another 3. Split again. 4,6,6 .On the last 3 I receive a six. By now (in contrast to the first 3 of this split) the count has risen enough to justify doubling the nine against a seven. I catch an eight. On the ten double I get a picture. So I have 18, 19, a doubled 17 and a doubled 20. A picture for the dealer on her seven will be fine. She gets one but unfortunately, it is preceded by a four.
After dinner it’s the same story, one step forward, two back. I then get my first fairly decent shoe since that big one yesterday, so I’m back to $2500 behind.(Key hand- 19 and 8-8 v 9. split, picture on the first one,3 on the second. Double the 11 for a seven. Dealer pulls an eight, all hands win). This however doesn’t last long. I get three shoes in a row where the count goes up but I can’t win a hand. I’m now behind on the trip. I just can’t get any momentum.
Day 9
Just the kind of session I needed. A great couple of hours to start and I’m around $6000 up and it stays around that level for the rest of the session.
Day 10
I decide to travel to a the next closest town with a casino. I don’t expect to find much but there may be a reasonable game to play for a few days. It’s another of these places on the border, the fact of which has determined the location of the casino rather than the size or prestige of the town itself. I have some trouble finding the place. I know that the building is of a painted a particularly bright shade and thought that this would make it easy to spot, but it turns out that this seems to be a common practice here and many buildings are of a similar hue. I pass by a local and ask in my rather patchy [name of language deleted] where it is. He points me in the right direction. As it is aimed at custom coming over the border it is perhaps not a surprise that it is away from the town itself and on the principal road out. As it is it appears more like a roadside café than a casino and within seconds I see that I’m likely to get about as much blackjack action there as in one. Machines everywhere again. I’m particularly irritated as my research had indicated that there would be some shoe games. Conditions change and the information sometimes takes time to catch up. Another fruitless journey. Back to base then. After dinner I find I’m too tired to face starting a session so I buy a couple of beers and put on a DVD before getting an early night.
Day 11
My comeback continues. A win of similar size to two days ago and the management are still cool with it. A nice routine has developed: I get in, they set up my private table I play for a few hours, I break for dinner, play some more and leave. I was also gratifies when the local counter tries to jump in on my game at a high count and is prevented from doing so by the pit boss on the grounds that it is private game. It’s a bad manners-proof table!
Day 14
The last day of my trip here. I’m back in the capital ready for my flight the next day. I finshed in the last place with another good win so I’m well ahead now on this trip and have recovered the losses from the previous two. Break even over a matter of months is not ideal but at feels good to have had a nice run after such a time. I play in the place with the newly improved rules once again. Despite my wins against them at the start of the trip they seem relaxed enough, despite the lack of many other customers and the constant attention of the pit bosses. And I win again, so I’m now at my highest point since just before the end of trip 5. It’s nice to end a trip with such momentum.
Day 15
However, strictly speaking, it isn’t the end of this trip since I will not be going home before I go somewhere else to play. In between, I have to go to a third country to sort out other matters. This entails an epic day on the road. There are no direct flights from the country where I am to my country of destination, so I have to change planes elsewhere, hanging around for a number of hours before catching my connecting flight. I played in this country some years previously but they then introduced shuffle machines. I will be interested to see what the situation is like in the casinos now.
Trip 8 2007 (Part Two)
Day 17
There was a new casino in the capital albeit of the same group as the biggest one in the area. Only a small part of it was a gaming area, with one blackjack table, which had a machine. I was gratified to see it was empty. Today I’m at the other one in the area, just to check if anything has changed. It has. The gaming area now occupies half the area it once did, there are half the number of blackjack tables there were, only teo of them are open and only one of those is being played. Contrast this to the last time I was here, sic BJ tables, all open all full. Even allowing for the fact that is now winter, it is undeniable that changing the conditions has been disastrous for this casino’s blackjack popularity. Even with all the professional players there were at the end the casino would have made a lod of money due to the popularity of the game, due in no small part of the professional promoting the game in the minds of other players. Now slot machines are in much of the space previously occupied by tables.
Day 19
Having taken care of business, I’m on another flight to the country I last visited in Trip 6. I end up cutting my arrival at the airport quite fine, even for me. As a rule I try to avoid spending any more time in airports than I need to, given the number of flights I take, but the trains have been reorganised since I was last here, I consequently take longer than I thought in finding the right one and use up all the margin of error I built in to my travel time estimate and check-in just as the flight is closing. Then of course there is a delay anyway, not that this would have allowed me to get on the flight had I missed the regular check-in period. Happily, the flight isn’t help up too long and I arrive at my hotel without incident and reasonably early.
I get in to the casino fairly early and play a while, and win another $6000. Seems to be my lucky number at the moment. It was quite busy in the casino as well, but I managed to get in a lot of action despite this.
Day 20
The reason I came back to this place so soon was due to my appalling form here last time. Even so I’m still only about level with casino over all so I expected the management to be fairly relaxed with my play, and they are on the whole. There is however, one exception. It’s a young pit boss who has always struck me as being slightly wary of me, so naturally I’ve always been quite guarded with him. Tonight, from nowhere he asks me whether I would ever consider playing against shuffle machines if they had them. I reply that I’m a bit suspicious of them since you don’t know what they could be made to do. He says “it would affect your strategy a bit too”. Tricky this. “Yes I see a few small come out and bet” I say. He nods and walks away satisfied, saying “I wouldn’t play against them either”, and I think I’ve judged this reasonably well. To deny any kind of strategy would leave my various changes in bet level unexplained and risk being seen by the PB as in insult to his intelligence, so I’ve admitted trying to play as well as I can without confirming any kind of systematic approach. I finish over $5000 up.
Day 21
A decent start again, I’m $1000 up and then find myself at a table with an American [nationality deleted] amateur counter. He doesn’t seem to be deviating from basic strategy according to the count, but his betting pattern correlates strongly with mine. The count keeps rising, and on one hand we both have12 against the dealer’s 3. I am first to play, leave my twelve and the other guy, seeing this, decides to leave his as well, apparently because I did. Dealer pulls..picture, picture. A nod of acknowledgement is exchanged between the two of us. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? After this shoe I’m nearly $3000 ahead. The conditions are still great, just me and the other counter at the table with a good cut. However, given the amount won on the previous shoe, the fact that the only other player at the table is counting and that I’ve already been playing for 4 hours, I reluctantly decide to take my dinner.
I’m not away long, but by the time I’m back in the casino, the place has become a lot busier and I have to keep changing tables in search of a quiet game. I even check out another place in town. It’s the sister casino of one that closed. The rules are poor but I thought I’d take a look anyway. They now have fewer decks than before so the game is a lot more attractive. It’s not the most luxurious casino I’ve ever played in and I don’t know if they will take the action at the stakes I want to play, but it’s worth keeping in mind. I return to my no 1 place, it’s still busy but I try to get some action where I can. I keep dropping back a little then recovering it and I finish at the level I was at when I took dinner.
Day 24
The previous two days saw my good luck continue, five days since I got here, and five wins. And given my bad loss at this casino last time out here, I don’t feel any heat, despite the fact that I’ve nullified the deficit from that trip. They are a big casino with plenty of heavy action so they won’t worry too much about me at this stage. I’ll think about moving on if I get even further ahead in the next few days. What a run I have had- adding the wins so far here to the run at the end of the first part of this trip elswhere, I have had nine straight winning sessions totalling a win of over $40,000. This is probably the best uninterrupted positive swing in all my time playing blackjack and I am at my all time highest point, passing where I was over three months ago.
Unfortunately no more records are set today. It’s busy today, but I still get a lot of big bets on and lose most of them. When you’re behind on a session you want a fast game in order to play more hands in the hope the situation will turn around. The last thing you want are drunken players slowing the game down. The fact they are doing stupid things like splitting pictures against a nine, is annoying when it works against you but it can, and often does, save you. Of course when your luck is bad it always appears to cost you. I the long run it won’t affect you except that some moves (like splitting 10s) will eat up more cards so will reduce any profitable situation for you. Sometimes I gently encourage them not do such things for this reason. If they want to stand on soft 15 for example, I don’t feel the need to tell them better, I don’t believe it is my duty to educate them. However, if someone asks my advice, I will tell them the right thing to do. The splitting 10s rule has been a good one for me here because it justifies breaking up a hard 20 a lot more often than usual and it looks more like I don’t know what I’m doing rather than making a strategy deviation from the count. However, you need to hit an ace now and gain to justify it. As in the last trip here, I seem to split 10s and get pictures, which often entails more splits, only to see the aces come out just after all my splits have finished. A classic example of this is when I split against a six, hit a picture or a stiff each time, thus ending up with all hands under 17, only to see the dealer find and ace to make a hand a take all my bets. Despite this poor form however, I still have a fan amongst the dealers. In the past she has indicated that she thinks I’m a good player, today she asks me how long I’ve been playing blackjack. She follows up this question with one regarding what I do for a living and then asks if I play blackjack for a living! This is the first time a croupier has posed such a question to me. I can understand that a casino customer would be naïve enough to expect an honest answer to that question but a dealer? My bad luck continues despite the dealer’s image of me as a winner and I finish $8000 down.
Day 25
Friday night and it’s amateur night again, even more so than yesterday. I get a very similar result though, my good start at this casino this trip has been almost completely wiped out in the last two sessions. It could have been worse however- on the last hand of the night, the count was way up and I had the table to myself. I played every spot at $250 and the dealer went over 21 for a win of $1750. Prior to that hand I for once found a few aces when I split 10s. four hands, three blackjacks, nice to get it when needed! A good finish then, but the poor start and middle mean I still lose over $8000 again.
Day 27
I took a night off as it was a Saturday night and tonight I’m ready to recoup some of the losses from the previous two sessions. That’s not the way it goes however. Once again the casino is crowded but the slow game doesn’t prevent me catching some big negative swings. Sunday night here seems to be the night for people jumping in. I ask one guy to stay out for a few hands but the ignorant jerk refuses. My loss is almost as much as the previous two nights here, which means my great start of five consecutive wins has been completely nullified and I’m now in a deficit for this part of the trip.
Day 28
I’ve decided to make this my last session at this casino for this trip unless I have another disaster. I’ve been here for over a week and I don’t want to overplay this casino, even though I lost badly the last time I was here. If I lose again tonight my deficit here will be large enough to project me from any suspicions the casino management may have so I may push it for another few days. I end up break-even on the night. Annoyingly, I am over $2000 up for most of the night but then, just as I’m thinking of leaving I hit a shoe where the count just keeps rising. Then the last hand comes a huge count, I up my bet and play every available spot as I’ve decided I’ll leave if this comes in. And what happens? Dealer shows an ace. I have no choice but to take insurance, which loses. The dealer finds a nine and I lose most of my bets to finish level. The place gets busy and I decide to leave it there and be fairly fresh for the journey tomorrow.
Day 29
A new place, there are two casinos here so I’m hopeful one of them will have decent rules and conditions. It’s quite a big place, with lots of tourism so it bodes well. However, I find two rather low limit places, with low maximums. Time to move on again.
Day 30
Another day, another town. I’ve not been here in over a year and a half. I had a good win here over a weekend and then left. Both casinos here are small, one is roundly better than the other, with more tables and a better cut. I go to the smaller of the two, just to check whether things are the same. The answer to that is yes and no- the change is that the casino is under new management but the blackjack conditions are very much the same.
The dealer has a trackable shuffle but after a few large bets from me he varies his shuffle. I play on for a while until the place gets busy. The bars in town are closing and a lot of the new arrivals are very drunk. They have had some major refurbishment since then and the place seems busier. One young guy, clearly the worse for wear, doubles soft 18 against a nine. This takes a card which would have bust the dealer and costs me a big bet. Of course it could have worked in me favour, but if he keeps doing such things h will eat up a lot of cards during high counts and being so drunk will really slow down the game, so I take it as my cue to leave. This casino is not really worth playing when the other on is available to me. One interesting comment I hear is a question made by a player to a dealer: “Have you ever had anyone counting cards at your table?” “No,” the dealer replies (in earnest in my view) “Those people are very rare”. I suspress the urge to put her straight or to ask her, given the rarity of counters, why she therefore has the worst cut in a casino of bad cuts. If it’s not counter-related paranoia perhaps she just likes shuffling? I get to the other one but it’s busy at this time of night so I finish for today.
Day 31-
I get a few looks of recognition from one or two dealers as a result of my brief time here last year but nothing I should be worried about. No one seems alarmed by my big bets, the cut varies according to dealer habit, nothing more. I finish €2500 ahead, a nice first session after the torrid weekend in my usual town.
Day 32
I have a good start but then I go up and down. The penetration is variable to say the least, the pattern appearing to be that the older more established dealers give a good cut and the newer personnel, especially the foreign hires, give a worse one. At on point I’m $4000 up but much to my annoyance it’s against the good cuts that I lose it. That wonderful final deck played in a well cut shoe is where a good win rate becomes great but in today it is consistently the scene of my downfall. This last deck of betting on a high count before the cut card arrives on several occasions brings groups of hands where the dealer gets all the good stuff and diminishes my chip stack. It is of course normal that the dealer rather than you frequently catches the pictures and aces as the count comes in but I am slightly bemused that, all other things being the same, I would have been better off if the dealer had given me much worse penetration.
Of course, having lost a good start I want to get more action to recover. So it’s irritating that having lost my session profit, I lose the good cut again as the dealers change. I do get a better dealer before I finish but can’t improve on break-even on the day. There’s a poker tournament on this weekend and later in the evening the place becomes crowded.
Day 34
The poker still on, so I am timing my sessions to avoid the worst of the crowds but still end up with a full table at times, such as breaks in the competition. The cut on the blackjack is still variable. For the second time in a week and only my second time ever, I hear the question “Have you ever had anyone counting cards at your table?” Made by a different person, in a different casino, to a different dealer, the answer is the same. At least this dealer has a good cut so the actions match the words on this occasion. A small win on the day cancels out the small loss of the previous day.
Day 35
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. At last, the poker is almost over and the casino is largely empty. I get a table to myself and a good cut. In about an hour I’m E3800 up, I’m getting pictures on my doubles and the dealer is busting when I need her to. Then it changes, starting with the last shoe of the dealer who cuts a deck off. In the next four shoes I lose 1800, 2300, 2400 and 1500. No shoe is particularly disastrous but together I’ve lost 8000 in less than an hour. The dealer just cannot bust and I can’t find a decent hand. The dealer seems to get nothing but 20 except when I’m on a stiff hand and the dealer keeps pulling an ace on a 6 or hard 16. And it doesn’t stop there, 2 shoes later I lose another 1500 and after rallying slightly to 3000 down I get another terrible run and just as I lose my solo game I find myself over 7500 behind.
Day 36
I am in early again to take advantage of the quiet time. Of the three dealers dealing at my table, 2 cut just a deck off. These are the conditions you hope for when you go to a casino: good rules, good penetration, heads up against a fast dealer. However, this optimum situation means that when the cards run against bad, you lose more money, more quickly. And just like yesterday this is the case here. With such a cut, the count comes in almost all the time but I seem to playing against an ace or picture constantly. I don’t think I’ve placed so many insurance bets without winning any of them (only to see frequent combinations like A,9 or 2, 8 so that all bets go down). Four hours in, I rally slightly and then someone else joins the table and soon after a new dealer comes on. He is to be avoided for two reasons: his cut is not great, and two days ago he made certain suggestions that I was counting cards. I went straight from my smallest bet to my biggest (I don’t usually do that but it was a crowded table, so it was less likely to be noticed and the amount of hands I would get from the ten-rich situation would be limited. In fact the count went all the way in on the one hand) the dealer snorted at my reply and asked me how many big cards had gone when I lowered my bet again. In fact the count goes very negative on the shoe he takes over from the previous dealer so I leave then, at which he asks me “too many big cards gone?”, with a smirk. “Too many losing hands” I say, pointing at his blackjack.
After an hour’s break I return. The poker players fill up the table on their break while I’m waiting for a shuffle so I don’t get to play until they all go back to the tournament. Then I lose 2,000 on the very next shoe (I do manage to win an insurance bet though, woo-hoo!) and I’m at my lowest point of the day. More chips bought. I start to lose on the next as well before recovering. I finish the day at my lowest point since day 8 of this trip, (over 3 weeks and two countries ago). The phenomenal run of the nine or so days that followed has now been almost completely negated. Two weeks ago I was where I should have been, win-rate wise, for the past four trips. Now I’m many thousands behind and I’m back in the hole I was in at the start of this trip (although admittedly slightly better off). This trip has turned into a tale of two countries, where the conditions were borderline I won far more than I should have, where they have been good, I’ve lost. As far as the result in this second country is concerned, it’s damage limitation again. I have three sessions left to try and turn it around. The position I was in a few days after my arrival in this country is an increasingly distant memory and it may be some time before I’m anywhere near that point again.
Hand of the day: 99 and 12 v4. Split, picture 9, split again, 9. Again, 2, double for an ace. Picture on the next one. Seven on the final 9. 8,9 for the dealer and a loss of six maximum bets.
Day 37
I get a heads up game early on and have a great run, about $7000 in the first couple of hours. I then lose about half of that back before winning another $1000 before the table gets crowded. After a meal I decide to ask for a high limit table. They give it to me but it soon becomes apparent that the dealers, either through management instruction or their own nervousness, cut far more out than normal and a 2.5 deck cut out of six seems to be the average. A play for a while on this table and break even on it, leaving with a win of around $4500, only a fraction of my losses over the previous two days but still welcome.
Day 39
I had another win yesterday, but less than the day before. This is my last day in this town, I am moving on to another town today and I have plans elsewhere the night after, before flying home the following morning. At the start of the session I am worried that my modest recovery has alrmed the casino management as I get a 2.5cut for the first two dealers, one of whom used to give a better cut. Then the next dealer comes and I get a one deck cut again. Not long after this other players at the table leave and I have a solo game. Unfortunately these best conditions don’t help me much and I lose just under $1000 before I have to go.
On to the next place. This is a new town for me, I have some idea of the rules here but not of the conditions. I find a very basic casino. I wouldn’t call it a dive, sparse would be a more accurate description. It’s Friday night but the casino is almost empty when I arrive, possibly partly due to the fact that this place is located way out of town. I ask for another table to be opened and they stamp on floor to open table. I also recognise an artefact of a previous casino. A casino in the capital closed over a year ago, and I heard that they failed to pay some players at the end. Now one of the roulette tables bears the name of that casino, obviously a cheap purchase for this place. Mayfair roulette table. The cut is poor. I get company later on, and they are hitting cards at every opportunity. I finish $3000 down, not what I need from a casino I may never go to again (because it’s the only game in town and not worth a special trip) and at the end of what was already a rough week.
Day 40
My social plans for tonight have fallen through. My number one place will be busy and in any case, I don’t want to the management there to see me after almost two weeks since I was last there as I would prefer them to assume that I left the country right after they last saw me. I therefore decide to try the casino I checked out the last time here when I’d been informed the rules there had improved. I get in and see that the cards on all tables have been shuffled, despite the fact that they have only just opened. I casually ask for the cards to be spread. By the reaction of the management you’d think I’d asked them to make me a gift of half the chip try. Why, why why do I want to see the cards? Because almost every other casino I’ve ever played in spreads the cards before play, including every other casino in this city. Because I was cheated once with an incomplete shoe and have been wary ever since. Where was this? I tell him the country but not the town. The manager asks me where else I play. I give him the name of my number one casino, explaining that I’m not there tonight because it will be very busy. I hope he picks up on the implication that this is in contrast to his place which is empty at the moment, even on a Saturday night and which I’ve only once seen busy. I don’t fear telling him I play at the other place because I’m losing there after my last couple of trips so if he does make inquiries there he’ll get told I’m a losing player. Very reluctantly they sort out the cards on one of the tables but the manager tells me this will be the only time. Since I’m only here because my best game is unavailable I don’t care about this. For the first few hands the manager sits at my table. After a while another player comes on the table. It’s the counter I saw in the other casino on day 21. We get a huge count but lose. The situation of two foreign counters at the same table lasts a little longer and then I have a heads up game again.
My poor form continues, at one point I’m over $6000 behind and the management suspicion of earlier on has disappeared. The cut is poor but with some dealers I can track the shuffle and this betting works out for me and I leave having cut the deficit by two-thirds. Not the end to the trip (and year) I wanted, but at least I had an upswing at the end. Even with that, I’m nearly at the lowest part of this second part of the trip, I’ve lost money over the last three months of trips and I just hope the new year will bring a change of luck.